Author Bio:
Mr. Marshall is a polymathic intellectual who has devoted over 50,000 hours to the study and practice of multiple dimensions of human potential and development. He received a classical education as an honor student at a Jesuit Military Prep School, was accepted into engineering school while still a junior in prep school, and attended college on academic scholarship. He graduated college with a Bachelor of Science cum laude. While still an undergraduate, he began the study of “alternative” Arts and Sciences which today would be described as Transformational and Holistic. Eventually, he became a professional practitioner and, after 28 years of formal education, had a long career as a Human Development Engineer. Jim has integrated the best aspects of the most advanced techniques on the planet, and expanded their limits by his own Research & Discovery. He has successfully treated and/or trained hundreds of clients over a 40 year career, and is the inventor of Septemics and several consciousness-expanding systems. His areas of expertise include psychology, philosophy, theology, parapsychology, science, engineering, mathematics, law, literature, history, music, organization, metaphysics, military science, political science, physical culture and education.
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Book Blurb
“Septemics: Hierarchies of Human Phenomena: Analysis, Prediction and Management of Human Affairs”
Isaac Asimov, in his famous Foundation trilogy, imagined a future in which a science of the mind could accurately predict human events.This work is a down payment on that promise. It comprises a revolutionary and elaborate system for accurately analyzing, assessing, predicting and managing the behaviors and characteristics of groups and individuals. It is a textbook about a new philosophical science called Septemics, which consists of thirty-five scales, each of which delineates the exact sequence and patterns in which human beings actually behave and manifest in various contexts. Each of these scales describes an axis upon which individuals, and/or groups, advance or decline. This book would generally fit into the literary category of Psychological Philosophy, although there has never been a book quite like this in human history. One must actually read the book in order to access the power of its contents, because it is not like anything else.
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